Thursday, February 4, 2010

Inspired by Julia/Julie I challenged myself to create my own personal recipe file including days of meals at an RV Park! Prompted not only by the movie, but frustrated with not being able to locate recipes...thus my blog was born!
Surrounded by a plethora of cookbooks I began my quest! To identify my goals; my challenge was to "not measure" and "not replicate my home kitchen" to my SCAMP kitchen. I desired to eat healthy, but "no mess meals". I am on VACATION! My philosophy of eating/dining while on vacation is: I can always eat at a fast-food chain and so to speak "piddle" my monies on food venues that are not an event at all. I prefer to have my vacation dining experiences be exactly that....AN ADVENTURE IN DINING! And when not having an adventure; provide for my husband and I meals of substance knowing that "I haven't slaved over food preparation in the kitchen" and thus wasted precious time being a vacationer.

My "kitchen laboratory" experience is contained in a 15 food Scamp Camper with facilities for cooking that include a microwave, crock pot and toaster oven! I shall begin!

Wading through the cookbooks produced earmarking only those recipes that fell into the category of minimal preparation. Discussion was whether to purchase foods when arriving at our destination or purchasing locally. The latter was chosen in moderation and did not include perishables. The premise for toting groceries along was that impulse buying can literally catch you off guard.
Breakfast: A "no brainer" experience!
Lunch: "Ditto" on breakfast - with room for expansion!
Dinner/Evening Meal: Now the fun begins!
Since my vacation doesn't officially begin until Feb 8, 2010 I will briefly be posting those items secured and toted for the trip! So until then I'll welcome your posts/ideas while visions of "camp food" dance in my head!

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